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26th Day  340 Days to come
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Cold again
Ironed in P.M.
Ruth had given us some meat So I had dressing
& potatoes in broth Had apple crunch also it was
pretty good.
Want to go to Grange Live party tonight.  Fleischers entertain.
Hattie called and wanted to play cards but I do not care to play more than once aweek.
[strikethrough]] Watkinds pd $1.00[[/strikethrough]]

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27th Day  339 Days to come
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Went to Grange Live Wire Party Fleischers entertained. nice time only Mabel told us Alvin would have to have an operation the sooner the better.
We did not go to Pomona.  Margaret & Gwynne went 
out home with the folks C.F. did the shopping Harner was here a little bit.  He traded cars.