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Sunday 25 February
56th day   3rd Sunday in Lent   310 days to come
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Kids went to S.S. Then the children and I went to Uncle Harners. The folks went too  The water pipe sprung a leak so Clarence did not get to go.
Had a nice time  Just visited all the time.

Watkins p'd $1.00

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Monday 26 February
57th day    309 days to come
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Did not wash.  Did some cleaning and mending  Tried out my Dutch Oven with baked tenderloin  It was good, but the gravy was not  tastes raw. I think that is the reason they make it another way. Want to try a cake this P.M.  Costs finally got moved  this A.M. Took everything loose and some that were not.
I went over to see Mabel awhile last eve.