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90th Day ^[[encircled]]*[[/encircled]]   276 Days to come
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Busy as a bee. Fixed my salad Also sandwiches. Trying to get things done so I won't have to rush tonight
Have to mop the kitchen and bathroom
Richard has had his bath. Now to get Clarence & Gwynn theirs.
Am serving salad cheese snacks, sandwiches coffee (candy).
Dick is rocking the big chair. and reading big little book. Ha. Gwynn wanted me to write this

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91st Day   275 Days to come
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Carl came town drunk and I would not let them go home with him. So Clarence took them & I did the chores. I went out Sunday morn and did them 
Folks came home with us for dinner Ruth Florence and Mama. Gwynn went to the show. I took folks home did chores 
They we went down to Grahams for the evening. A lovely time