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[[diary, 2 pages]]
[[page 1]]
[[bold]] Friday, August 22, 1941
234th Day--131 Days to Follow [[/bold]]
worked around nothing in particular but was busy until time to take Peggy for her dancing lesson. We went to Jacksons last eve. Goldie was there we enjoyed our visit very much [[/page 1]]

[[page 2]]
Saturday, August 23, 1941
235th Day---130 Days To Follow
Ironed finally. Clarence is helping Mr D. Jones from 10:00 on. Have some mending to do. Will have to have diner ready at 11:30.
Sold old [[underlined]] Iron [[/underlined]] 10.70 got Dick & Dad overalls Peg a new dress. Some groceries 6 cans of peaches. [[/page 2]]