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[[diary, 2 pages]]
[[page 1]]
[[bold]] Wednesday, September 3, 1941
246th Day--119 Days to Follow [[/bold]]
Worked hard all day. I washed my hair. Our club and friends are having a shower for Pauline O'Reilly. Had a good time I won 3rd prize .40.
Uncle Harry and Aunt Ella were here. Came yesterday

Hattie got milk [[/page 1]]
[[end page]]
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[[bold]] Thursday, September 4, 1941
247th Day--118 Days to Follow [[/bold]]
Went over the house dried more clothes. Sent Peg to have her temperature before her practice. She had no fever but Dr. Morrow wanted a specimen.
Jack pd $30 for Hay. Gwynn Dick and I went to uncle Harrys Really was going on to Harners but Martins were there so I stayed there. [[/page 2]]