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[[bold]] Thursday, September 11, 1941
254th Day--111 Days to Follow [[/bold]]
Florences 25th birthday. Went to Aid at Mae Le Vans Had a dandy time. Stopped at Harners awhile. There was a meeting at the AES at E. Liberty but I did not go. The President is talking now at 9:15. about Hitlers sinking our ships it Atlantic
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[[bold]]Friday, September 12, 1941
255th Day--110 Days to Follow [[/bold]]
Canned another batch of soup I have 25 qts now. I think that is all I will can. Will can tomatoes out of the rest. Used up some cucumbers also. Have quite a nice bunch of pickles, mustard, sweet, bread & butter, and pin money 1 1/2 qts cucumber relish.