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Tuesday, December 16, 1941 
350th Day - 15 Days to Follow 
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Washed windows 
want to wash some woodwork. Also the bathroom. Peg takes her dancing lesson today. Changed the [[strikethrough]]living[[/strikethrough]] bedroom around a little[[.]] Harner and Ruth came in and were here for supper. I sold Ruth some cards I finally found my other cards.

[The Red heifer bred]]

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Wednesday, December 17, 1941 
351st Day - 14 Days to Follow 
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Will have to go up town some time today. Get Florences Christmas and a few little things and some more cards. Neil D. came in and I went over C.F's books. It took about all afternoon. Mr. Robinaugh came up last night and we changed some Ins. Clarence took out another small policy and Gwynn increased his. Kennedys did not pay.