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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY [[large "24"]] JANUARY
24th Day | | 341 Days to come
[[double red line]] [[/preprinted]]

Pretty day. want to Clean up things and wash Peg's hair. would like to wash my own But I am afraid with my Cold I also have a sore throat today Did do some work but not much. Ruth and Florence came a little while. A nice little visit. Florence looked good.

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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY [[large "25"]] JANUARY
25th Day | Conversion of St. Paul | 340 Days to come
[[double red line]] [[/preprinted]]

A dreary day was home all day. Thought I would go to the show but did not. The children did not go to S.S. As Gwynn did not have a decent thing to wear.

Hallingers 1 gal