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80th Day   285 Days to come
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Want to go over the house. Don't know whether I will bake or not. Would like to make some pumpkin pies but I don't have the milk. John Pollock called a little while. Hattie had a party. We had a dandy time. Folks were there.

Hattie got milk $2.20

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Sunday 21 MARCH
81st Day   Passion Sunday (5th in Lent)   284 Days to come
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Was home until noon then went down home for dinner. Had a nice time but came home and the old Devil blew up because he had close contact with a towel he wiped on. He tried to hash up some lies but we proved it different  He said he saw me with a horse and buggy Which was a lie because I never drove a horse after I was 16. And I was 17 when I met Clarence. So its a lie