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166th Day  Pioneers' Day (Idaho)  199 Days to come
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Telephone day. More hay this P.M. but am washing this A.M. Hope to get the clothes dry too. Finished the wash at 10:20. Must go over the house would like to wash my hair so I will look decent. tonight club night.

Hattie 1 gal milk .30
Cream $1.65 

[[preprinted]] 2nd Payment Federal Income Tax Due [[/preprinted]]

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167th Day  198 Days to come
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Have a miserable headache. Have done nothing today. The Old D. made two attempts before he swooped long enough to find the bread. Ha. It will take more than that the next time.  But he is waiting until we finish painting then he is going to sell this place. Another Ha. Pauline got the high chair today.