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Saturday, January 16, 1943
16th Day-349 Days to Follow
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Cleaned up the upstairs. Went over the house. Went up town Paid bills etc made a down payment on an overcoat for Clarence got Gwynn Coveralls but as usual He went back on his promise. Gwynn went to Jacksons to play Monopoly stayed all night 

Sunday, January 17, 1943
17th Day-348 Days to Follow

Stayed home all day. Called Sis pd $1.00+ to get bawled out-She can make one so mad. Never again.

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Monday, January 18, 1943
18th Day-347 Days to Follow
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Icy and how.
Am washing. Want to get my hair done also. Took Clarence to work Went in and got my Hair done. Went out to Equity meeting a dandy time. Lovely refreshments Gwynn went to scout meeting Then came home He was supposed to come out to the Hall.