Viewing page 88 of 180

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Thursday, July 1, 1943
182nd Day - 183 Days to Follow
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Left early to work in hay. Loaded 2 loads then Clarence raked the rest. We came on home. Harners had just brought Mama home. So we all had frosted malted. Quite late when we got the chores done. 

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Friday, July 2, 1943
183rd Day - 182 Days to Follow
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Still haying. 
brought out 3 loads 
Lelands, Chucks, came out to surprise Clarence. We had 3 1/2 gal of Ice Cream. Meriam & her boyfriend came also. We had a dandy time. I bought a cake and Venus baked one. 

Cream $3.23

Transcription Notes:
per instructions 'end page' not required on last page