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Thursday, December 16, 1943
350th Day - 15 Days to Follow
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Pretty day cold 4 above
Clarence is talking of going to a sale but don't know yet. Bad luck this A.M. A sheep died don't know what happened. 
Want to do some washing also bake my fruitcake. It turned out pretty good I think. Got our tree this eve. 
Jacksons came up awhile last eve. 
Mrs. C. E. Jackson is going home tomorrow I guess. 

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Friday, December 17, 1943
351st Day - 14 Days to Follow
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Pretty day. 
Want to do some more shopping today. Harner here for dinner he got a Christmas tree also. Have not quite finished shopping yet. Must get something for Edna. yet. The children have their shopping to do also. Went to B.B. game. Both teams won. The first team won their first victory.