Viewing page 170 of 180

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[[math calculations over the two pages]]
[[first page]]
[[to the left of the equations below]]
[[ 3?]]
[[/to the left of the equations below]]

11 [[carry over superscript 1s over 2 & 7]]
275     1500   81     353   353
 78      200           81   281
----     ----        ----   ---
353     17.00        $272    72
 84     -----
 50      7.00   353
---             134                            
134             ---                     
                219. chickens
[[math on top of second page]]
 200        27     137      $68.11
    30      51     217      $11.02
------     ----   ----
 60.00      78     354
               [[circled]] 133.86 [[/circled]]
 146     12786
 135     14015 
-----    -----
 281     26801
[[/math calculations]]

Cash Account - July
[[double line]]
[[template with three columns]]
[[no title]]    Received       Paid

[[Note: Template repeated at top of 2nd page]]
Cash Account - August
[[double line]]
[[template with three columns]]
[[no title]]    Received       Paid

[[below first page template]]
[[handwritten across the two pages; The last sum is under the "Paid" column on second page]]
                                      [[?5 perhaps a carry]]
5 chickens to Vassars          4.62      4.62
1 "        "  Ruth B           1.00      1.00
3 Chickens for Chucks Birthday    [[line]]
3    ''    for ourselves          [[line]] 
18   ''     "  Sis                [[line]]
1    ''    Florence Philipe       [[line]]
1    ''    got killed.            [[line]]
1  for ourselves.                 [[line]]
1 dressed  Mrs Pritchard        [[line]] $1.50
2 for      Sweet Pea            [[line]] $2.45
1 dressed for Mrs Somebody      [[line]] $1.45
3 chickens     11 lbs   Olive .30         3.30
4 chickens     15 1/2  Bob Hover 5.42 but 5.00
[[Note: unknown what this is for]]      4
50 chickens    163     Fischer           45.64
1    ''             Mrs Eastwood          1.65
2 chickens          Newell Freer          2.50
1 chicken for council group picnic        
1 chicken for Mrs Eastwood                1.75

[[Note: There is no space between the "2.50" and "1.75" entries, so the sum could refer to that paid by the council or Mrs. Eastwood. However, it is more likely that it is for Mrs. Eastwood, since she was charged a similar amount for a previous entry and the council could have been given a chicken for free.]]
1 chicken for Sis (cash on this page      0.00                
1 died                                     
2 chickens for Olive                      2.40
50 "        "  Robinson 196 lb @ 30      58.80
[[Note: The position of "(cash on this page" and "127.86" make it hard to distinguish what they refer to with certainty.]]
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
- "^[[-]]" reserved for handwritten notes on typed documents - For the 3rd list entry [["3...for ourselves]]: "3" and ditto were on top of previous information that is illegible. Possibly "2" and changing a "7" into "8" for the next line?