Viewing page 30 of 204

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[[journal header]]
54th Day
Ash Wednesday
312 Days to come

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Went to Bonds sale
Grange served vegetable Soup. Sandwiches weiner Hamburger Pies
Peach. Lemon. Raspberry. Mince Raisin Chocolate Cherry Pumpkin. (Coffee) They made pretty good. I think. I brought home a pie crackers, Hamburger. Margaret got a new dress from Ava. We are helping Jenkins move tomorrow. Am taking Baked beans and Cream to whip for Mabels ginger bread.

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[[journal header]]
55th Day
St. Matthias
311 Days to come

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Got around early to help Jenkins move
got around five
The furniture was up there by 12.00
We got things put away and furniture in the rooms they belong in.