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60th Day  306 Days to come
[[double line]]

Snowy. Lora pd. $16.
got clothes dried but will not iron until later Made a pudding. did some hand washing. Got a letter from Thelma
Went to Farm Bureau
There were not so many there. I hope the chorus sounded O.K.

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61st Day  Ember Day  305 Days to come
[[double line]]

Am ironing also want to sew some. Must finish Margarets Jenkin outfit. Mother is churning. Clarence got 100 gal. gas $75.50 Gwynn went to band practice
Clarence went to Mason's meeting at E.L. Ruth Ewing called and said Hattie's brother Bob Miller was killed instantly working at Knowltons this P.M.

Transcription Notes:
instructions for end page and start page