Viewing page 34 of 204

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[[journal header]]
62nd Day
Texas Independence Day
304 Days to come

[[handwritten note in header]]
Pretty day.

[[handwritten rest of page]]
Have to wait for the ham to cook before I can go in town must get ready tho. Surely feel sorry for them. Sending Ava her [[struckthrough text - looks like package mispelled]] package today today. Went in to Brennans. Helped Ruth get supper for the family. They seemed to enjoy the Lemon Pie & Ham.


[[next page]]

[[journal header]]
63rd Day
Ember Day
303 Days to come

[[handwritten rest of page]]
Cleaned up my bedroom a little. Then went to the funeral. Shopped some got the license [[guess]] went to see about shoes. Can get them later. Went down to see Bills J baby. He is a nice baby.

Got 30