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104th Day  Thomas Jefferson-Born 1743  262 Days to come
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Ironed in the A. M. Went in town in P. M. Collected check for oats. Clarence said I could have over $25.00 I got $27.48 Ha. Went to the show "My Best Gal."Jane Withers" "It happened tomorrow" Dick Powell. Went to Council at Ruth's We had a lovely time. Sold 91 bu & 18 lbs Oats $75.99 Paid coal $23.51 Bal. $52.48

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FRIDAY 14 APRIL               
105th   Day Lincoln Assassinated 1865   261 Days to come                          
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[[Note: the year 1944 was written above the 1865. The 1865 was subtracted from 1944 to determine how many years since Lincoln's Assassination, 79 years]]

Want to scrub the milk room. Also would like to rake the yard. But I must listen to the Radio for Bachelors children. Ha. Still drawn out. I think tho that Ruth Ann may have been hurt and regains her memory ^[[from shock]]. Clarence is repairing Kerrs Barn Roof. Will be glad when he has it done.