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116th Day  250 Days to come
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Rainy again
Decided not to wash. But the sheep shearer is here for dinner. so will plan dinner. Talked to Venus & Leland 
Ronnie has to have an operation. Viola is better. went in to the show Jane Eyre Pretty good
Also went to Grange. Margaret whistled ^[[Anchors aweigh]] and Richard sang. (Paper Doll.) They got along pretty good.
Had 160 lbs from 20 sheep average 8 lbs.

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117th Day  Solemnity of St. Joseph  249 Days to come
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Pretty day. Am washing. We are going to the Dr. this P.M. also down to see Ruth. Finally got my Buttons & Belt on my dress
Sis sent me a $5.00 bill & housecoat and pattern.