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298th Day  68 Days to Come
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We have an appointment to have our teeth taken care of. We got thru a few minutes. He got Clarences out in fine shape. Surely glad He told me to leave mine in a while longer. Went down to Olive & Bernice but she had gone. Clarence and I went to Grange. Had a nice time.

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299th Day  67 Days to Come
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Pretty [[strikethrough]]good[[/strikethrough]] day.
Clarence is going to [[?]] corn to open up the field. I may go in town. Have some Ins. to pay $4.70 Council tonight. Lots on so suppose it will be late when we get home. Went in town drew the bal on the hay $121.13. Sent out Ins. $4.70 Got a dress $6.98 Corset $5.98 and shoes $5.00. Surely spent on myself. Oh well! If any things happens I will have them and if it don't I can help earn it back. Ha.