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302nd Day  St. Simon and St. Jude 64  Days to Come
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Card party tonight. Have to iron some this A.M. besides the other work. Mrs Clarence Detwiler called and invited us to their council next Wednesday night. Talked to Mom She said she is coming home the 1st. Went to Jays had a grand time. She served 2 kinds cookies sandwiches doughnuts, coffee & cider.

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303rd Day  21st Sunday after Trinity  63 Days to Come
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Another beautiful day.
Was home all day Would like to go the show but don't supposed C.F. will. I dont believe I am going to like this ink. [[ink color changed from blue to black near this point]]. Sis called again this a.m. Wanted me to take a blood test. Olive came and wanted Clarence to help the man to lay blocks on foundation.