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304th Day  62 Days to Come
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Another one. Am washing. Got all done early So scrubbed the milkroom Olive wants me to go over with her for dinner at Daves. So will help with dishes then go to the Dr. Had a blood test it is a little low but not enough to cause my trouble. Also talked to Mrs Lieb Of course her case was different as she had cancer the Dr. says I don't have. Dad & I went to the show but neither liked it. Arsenic & Old Lace.

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305th Day  Hallowe'en - Reformation Day  61 Days to Come
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Have been quite busy all morning but you can't tell I have done anything. Washed 3 sweaters for Peg. baked cup cakes. Washed dishes have not even swept. Did get things done Then went in town after some groceries and paid light bill. Ins Also pd gasoline bill. So really paid things today Went down to Harners bought a cow from Harners.