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14th Day  2ND Sunday after Epiphany  351 Days to come
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Was busy most of the day.  We made Ice Cream also fixed the chicken.  They came we had a nice time (I think).  La Vonne came with them.  She has not changed much a little heavier.  But all in all I think they enjoyed the evening.  We went to bed at 2.30 & I did not go to sleep until 3.30  I drank some coffee.
milk 58.80 (check)

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Leland's Birthday

15th Day  350 Days to come
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Am not washing. Did up the dishes
The house is in fair shape So will loaf some as we have to go in town to pay the telephone.
Hope we get the milk check today. Did pd telephone. Got my order at M.W. $2.56 also a pr of overalls for C.F 
Went to see "Frenchmens Creek"