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[[preprinted]] MONDAY [[large "5"]] FEBRUARY
36th Day [[/preprinted]] | Icy | [[preprinted]] 329 Days to come [[/preprinted]]
[[double red line]]

School again Thank Goodness!! Am washing. Someone will have to go to town. got the clothes drying also washed kitchen curtains. Went to the locker and got some meat. Saw Harner on the way. He had a bull get away and he was out on the road at the farm. We stopped at Ewings after my overshoes W. H. called here later in the evening

[[en dpage]]

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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY [[large "6"]] FEBRUARY
37th Day [[/preprinted]] | beautiful day | [[preprinted]] 328 Days to come [[/preprinted]]
[[double red line]]

am going to iron later because did not get them folded until this a. m. Run the sweeper. mopped the kitchen and dining room stretched the kitchen curtains Did mending Then finished the ironing. I am tired. washed windows in K on outside also dining room big window.