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146th Day Ember day 219 Days to come
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Get a wave at 10:00
Alumni tonight. Had to go in town at 10. Did shopping. Came home met Homer & Dora on the hill Asked them back to dinner they came. Had a nice little visit. Took Peg for her lesson. Then went to Alumni with Chucks. Had a nice time Several were there last night that had not been George A Homer T. Martha D.C. Mary K.R. Allie BL?

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147th Day Trinity Sunday 218 Days to come
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Did dishes Then Took Peg & Dick to S. S. Loafed this whole afternoon. Viola wanted us to come in. So guess we will.
Ronnie and Harold J were here in P.M. Chucks went to Baccalaureate Services. Then came to Lelands Had a nice time