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150th Day   Memorial Day   215 Days to Come
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Beautiful day. am ironing but must go to a funeral this P.M. Lola Nicholls mother is buried this P.M. I was almost late got there 1:40. Also went to the cemetery. Came home had the headache So took an aspirin Then layed down awhile. Got up baked a gingerbread and fixed spaghetti Sis called. I had written her a long letter.

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151st Day  Corpus Christi  214 Days to Come
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Another pretty day
Have lots to do. Helped Clarence plant the ends on the corn field. We went in town also went to the locker. Pd light bill. Came home Harner was here. He stayed for supper. I went to Inspection at E. Liberty There was a large crowd and 1 candidate fainted and another almost did.