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220th Day 145 Days to Come
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Clear & cool. Want to iron Finished it. The sheep went away at noon. They finished baling at Rebas's & went to Taylors. Reba had 293 bales. We had 21 lambs.  ^[[ave 68 1/10 lbs weighed 1430]] @ .1200 cwt = $171.60
We sold 16 Ewes @ 5.00 =
$97.75. Gailens 2/5 of 14 = $45.72. We get 3/5 - $68.52.

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221st Day 144 Days to Come
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Another beautiful day. We went in town and paid $175 on baler. Went to pay Gailen but he was not home. We are combining Started at 2:45 P.M. Gwynn went to the Lake with Florence.

Jacksons 2.
Gave Gwynn $10.00

Transcription Notes:
cwt means 112 lbs applied to livestock