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228th Day  Bennington Battle Day (Vt.) 137 Days to come
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I took the men to work so I could take the car in to get it fixed. Everything was closed but groceries Did get some sugar, Rinso, Syrup & Salad dressing. Also went to the show to put in the time. Car cost $1.83 Harner paid for the cows. Clarence collected $50.55

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229th Day 136 Days to come
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They want to bale at Ralph's today. I want to shop some this P.M. I have lots to do today. Dave was over for baling. Harner came after Eva & Mabel. Hope we did not make a mistake by letting them go. Harner is going to milk Sun. eve for us. Went to Mabel's Card party. Had a dandy time, got home at 1:00 Kids stayed with mother
Gwynn went to explain he would not be here Sun. Eve.