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264th Day  ST. Matthew-Ember Day  101 Days to come 
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Canned 5 qts of tomatoes then went in town to get Venus' corn. We had 24 1/2 qts of corn a piece. Hope its good. We were there for lunch Then we went to the Fair went to Races rather. Dewey gave Gwynn some tickets so we went back to see Herbert Kindall married cowboy style. Very nice very solemn also. 

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265th Day  Ember Day  100 Days to come 
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Gwynn's birthday.
Baked 2 cakes and thats about all. Am mopping dining room & kitchen Peggy helped pretty good. Mother came up for supper. Had roast beef, noodles, mashed potatoes, tomatoes, peaches & cake.

Happy Birthday Gwynn

Transcription Notes:
Looks like Peggy wrote a note to Gwynn (her brother) at the bottom of the page. Different writing style.