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332nd Day  Traditional Thanksgiving  33 Days to come
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Florence & Charles are coming
A beautiful day. We are truly thankful for the blessings God has given us Good crops, good luck and good health. Worked in A.M. Then in P.M. planned on my dinner had roast chicken. gravy mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes creamed onions. Waldorf salad cranberry sauce celery pickles pumpkin pie whipped cream coffee Harner & Reba arrived just in time.

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333rd Day  32 Days to come
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Mr Cotterel called about the stove gave it up Then decided we had better take it. So went in town. Paid our int & Mothers. We took the kids in to the show also Margie The when we got home they came out to install the stove. Rev. Mullen [[dove?]] called and just then Homer, Dory and Tillie and Anne Louise Schroyer came. Rev said he would call later Homers were here for supper Had roast beef It was swell