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6th Day  Epiphany   359 Days to come
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Am not washing. Working on the chair. Don't know just exactly how to fix it but suppose I will get it O.K. someway. Would like to go in town this P.M. We went Clarence had the car worked on. I went to see the movie "Till the End of Time". We went to see the John Deere Show Met Joe & Bertha It was pretty good but I got so restless.

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7th Day   358 Days to come
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Snowy. Am washing tho. Kids are out of socks. Washed did get along pretty good but broke one side of the wringer. That makes both sides now that has broken. Dad went to the locker for us for meat.
[[in large handwriting]]
Gave Peg and Dick a real [[underlined 5 times]] hard [[/underlined]] whipping cause they were fighting Dick started it.