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[[preprinted]] SATURDAY 1 FEBRUARY
32nd Day  333 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Went [[underlined]] over [[/underlined]] the house but not very thorough a I had some mending to do.  Mother went with Margaret and Richard to the recital.  Clarence & I went to Harry's funeral and Gwynn worked at Grahamm's Chas & Lottie, Harners, Jenkins, Mrs Mattox.  Mabel Shaffer Mrs. Chas. Corwin. and the relatives, Harold & wife, Ethel & husband. Richard Helen & Emerson. Lawrence Alice Mabel (and 3 sisters Mrs. Slartzman Mrs Young Mrs. Thatcher from DeGraff & Westeville Veterans 8 or 10

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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 2 FEBRUARY
33rd Day  Septuagesima-Groundhog Day  332 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Got up late. I did some things mother washed up things.  I got dinner Then while I got ready The kids washed the dishes Then they went to the show and Venus & I went to Sue Taylor's funeral. Chucks & Lelands were out in the eve. We had a good time I think.  I served cheese sandwiches, pickles Cake, coffee & Ice Cream  Boys won 2 games but we had more points for the eve.