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[[preprinted]] SUNDAY 9 FEBRUARY
40th Day  Sexagesima  325 Days to come [[/preprinted]]
Still cold We got up late as usual on Sun.  The men got the pump fixed. Thank Goodness.  Then they got the tractor started and started the car. Gwynn went and got cereal lunch Meat and the paper  Have had a very quiet day.  Have not even talked on the phone.  Mabel & Homer brought Mother home I told her to call when she was ready

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[[preprinted]] MONDAY 10 FEBRUARY
41st Day  324 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

10 above
Am not Washing. Its not so cold but I did not leave the washer brought in.  Will wash tomorrow Had a committee meeting at Chamber of Commerce at 1:30 Margaret Young went with us.  Had 4 lambs today, 2 singles and a pair of twins.  We have 9 lambs with 7 Ewes and we lost 1 twin we went down to see Harner at Rebas but they were neither there.