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[[preprinted]] TUESDAY 11 FEBRUARY
42nd Day    Thomas Alva Edison-Born 1847  323 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Am washing. Have a good sized one. Barely finished washing when we decided to go to the show  We also heard That Fred Graham entered the hospital for an appendectomy.  He was operated between 2 & 3. Came out O.K. We received the Ins. check Also Money Order from Browns.
Gwynn helped with Grahams chores. Gorden called at 500 A.M.

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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 12 FEBRUARY
43rd Day Abraham Lincoln, Born 1809-Georgia Day (Ga.)  322 Days to come [[/preprinted]]

Finishing drying the clothes.  Did some of the mending. Talked to Edna & Mildred. Clarence  helped Gorden in the P.M. 12:30 till 4:30.