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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 16 APRIL 106th Day 259 Days to come [[line]] [[/preprinted]]
The Mr. mad about something Has been carrying a chip on his shoulder for some time. He is getting more like his father every day he gets older. [[underline]] Well [[/underline]] I can't help it. Our club is tonight. I am going with Mrs Young. As Gwynn wants the car to go to Billy Fosters dance at Huntsville. Went to club initiation. Had a good time.

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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 17 APRIL 107th Day 258 Days to come [[line]] [[/preprinted]]
Pretty but cold. It froze ice It snowed. finished Florences first group of curtains Thot I would the last but I have to line up the [[?]] So will have to go to Huntsville to see Susie. Went Had a nice little visit. It rained while I was there. Went with Viola to see Kiwanis Kapers It was very good.

Transcription Notes:
apparently Kiwanis Kapers is a fundraiser, but not sure if that's what she's referring to here in last sentences.