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[[preprinted]] WEDNESDAY 14 MAY 134th Day Rogation Day 231 Days to come [[double line]] [[/preprinted]]
Cloudy looks like rain So will not wash. Do want to get my room cleaned and finish the boys room. Then make Peg's blouse. Have it all finished only stitching the sleeves in Hope it fits. Finally finished it. Went in to audit the Grange books. They finally got them done at 12.00
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[[preprinted]] THURSDAY 15 MAY 135th Day Ascension Day 230 Days to come [[double line]] [[/preprinted]]
Cleaned out the milkroom. Swept out and burned things. Decided to wash. Frank Miller was here or I would have had the water hot a whole lot sooner. Gwynn has his Reception tonight. Milk check did not come. Will have to go after them. Dick got shoes and pants. also a free pair of tennis shoes.