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[[diary, 2 pages]]
[[page 1]]
[[bold]] SATURDAY 5 JULY
186th Day 179 Days to come [[/bold]]
Pay Milligans Sweeper Payment

We got up late had breakfast then about 11 we went to see Elsie she insisted on us staying for dinner. Then she and daughters Joan + Margaret went with us to see Zelda and Aunt Rena Then we went to gl[[?]] Had supper went in to [[strikethrough]] Beautleryville [[/strikethrough]] Mononghu[[?]] then had ice cream Went to bed late got up around 7 30 [[/page 1]]

[[page 2]]
[[bold]] SUNDAY 6 JULY
187th Day 5th Sunday after Trinity 178 Days to come [[/bold]]

Had breakfast washed dishes then went to Raymonds a little while Then Glenn Jeanette and us went to see Helen C in Charlejoi. Had a nice visit then we went back said goodbyes and went to Walters for dinner. Had a nice time and lovely dinner and got started home about 3:00 Arrived home at 9.00 carving fog all the way from Marysville. [[/page 2]]