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[[diary, 2 pages]]
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[[bold]] SUNDAY 13 JULY
194th Day 6th Sunday after Trinity 171 Days to come [[/bold]]

Pretty altho it looks like rain anytime. Kids going to S.S. I may go. We went to wares in the afternoon. Had a nice time They want Peg to come over next Sun. and stay awhile Then we went to Lelands chucks did not show up. Don't know what happened. [[/page 1]]

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[[bold]] MONDAY 14 JULY
195th Day 170 Days to come [[/bold]]

Washed as usual had a good sized one. Ross Smith called and said we could bale so we went over we just got 82 out when it began to rain. Came home went in town and the boys got hair cuts. [[/page 2]]