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[[diary, 2 pages]]
[[page 1]]
[[bold]] MONDAY 21 JULY
202nd Day 163 Days to come [[/bold]]

We finished baling at Ross Smiths He had 800 bales. We went to Moores but did not have enough wire to bale any. Weent to Lovetts in the eve Had a nice time. [[/page 1]]

[[page 2]]
[[bold]] TUESDAY 22 JULY
203rd Day 162 Days to come [[/bold]]

Went baling at Moores He had 425 bales. We finished these and moved to Corbets for Grahams. Did not bale any as it was just mowed. I talked to Mr French. I don't think I need worry about being a member of the J.S.B. Ha.
Mother and Dick + I went to see the Egg + it was pretty good Gwynn mowed our hay at the farm [[/page 2]]