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[[preprinted]] Tuesday 29 July 210th Day 155 days to come[[/preprinted]] 12 made a mistake we went to Ben [[?]] yesterday Had 294 bales but he had raked them with a dump rake and they were a mess. We finally finished and went to Lee Remmocks where it is almost as bad [[?]] bill was $47.00 and he pait $40.00.
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[[preprinted]] Wednesday 30 July 211th day 154 days to come[[/preprinted]]
get something for [[?]] kinda rainy but hope it won't we [[?]] to finish baling had several callers We sold the McCormicks Bales we sacrificed but we got $35.0 out of it. we finished Dee Remmock. Then Walter Riddle and Clarence Home so we are ahead a little.