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[[diary, 2 pages]]
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[[bold]] SUNDAY 10 AUGUST
222nd Day St. Lawrence--10th Sunday after Trinity 143 Days to come [[/bold]]

We were home all day. Of course Gwynn had to run around. Harner was here a short while. I paid him I guess I owe him a dollar yet. We are trying to keep bills paid but is so hard. They are so many and the money goes so quick. [[/page 1]]

[[page 2]]
[[bold]] MONDAY 11 AUGUST
223rd Day 142 Days to come [[/bold]]
July 28
Foggy Am washing though. They are going to mow hay I guess. If it clears up any. Dick + I went to see the [[?]]uckster It was pretty good. Mother went to see Uncle Harry and Clarence paid bills. Hartley + Nicholl and Beatty for the fender I ruined with the stone. He also got a pair of shoes. I got a hat for mother and myself. I got it for her birthday. [[/page 2]]