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252nd Day  Admission Day (Cal.)  113 Days to come
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am washing Have a large one as usual Gwynn went after an ironer for me to try out I like it. We went to Grange. Had a nice time. We had degree work.
Bread man & Doc Firmin collided at corner. I took Dr in to Hospital for a (Thanks Loads) Ha.
He said he was not hurt for me not to drive fast. He had a cut on forehead and he said a banged knee.

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253rd Day  112 Days to come
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Went in town got groceries etc. Florence was here when we got back. Mother & Florence got into it. I am sorry. They both are right and both wrong and neither thinks the other has a right to think for themselves I guess. Florence ground some cucumbers & onions  and I put some peppers in it So it pretty good I think.