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364th Day  1 Day to come
[[double line]]

We are going to Columbus to take Bertha J. to the Dr. Jenkins on Beechwald
Dear I hope it does Bertha good She is [[underlined]]so[[/underlined]] despondent. 
We went Had a nice day and the Dr. said he could help her and save her one eye and maybe her other eye would get better.
Mabel told Edna I was so jealous, Ha, Ha, Ha

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[[start page]]

365th Day
[[double line]]

Went over the downstairs, want to go in town to see about the rugs. I [[underlined]]must[[/underlined]] get some These are terrible. Well Old Year Thanks for everything. We had a grand trip and the pleasure of a new car. Thank you God, for All. We are going to Joslin's to the card party.

Transcription Notes:
I love the ending of this entry ;) Me, too!