Viewing page 190 of 203

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Date | Item | Rec'd | Paid | Bal.
[[double line]]

| Ca[[?]]land | | | 7 00
| Gas. | | | 17 00
Beatty | | | 6.98
Smuckers[[guess]] | | | 8.00
Taxes | | | 25 00
Coal | | | 43 00
Mother | | | 2[[?]]
| | | | 10.00
Roberts upholstery | | | 15.00
Stupps. | | | [[strikethrough]] 13 [[/strikethrough]] 8.91
Inks. | | | 10.27
Insulation | | | 5.85
T[[?]] \ \ \ $21.50
Cotterel[[guess]] | | | $73 00
Coal (Kings) | | | 79.62
Harner. | | | $31.00
Mother | | | 50.00

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Date | Item | Rec'd | Paid | Bal.
[[double line]]

| (5) | | |
| Apr. 22. + pd 15. | | |
Pd | $10. _ Feb 28. | | bal. 71
$7.42 | | 7.[[?]] 2/due | | 
Pd $[[?]] 20 bal 23 | | | |
[[?]] [[?]] [[?]] bal. 10.00 [[?]] [[?]] | | | 
" " [[dittos for: [[?]] [[?]] [[?]] bal. 10.00 [[?]] [[?]] ]] | | | 
Pd [[line]] | | | 
[[line]] | | | |
[[line]] | | | |
| | Flowers for Uncle Kell | |  
| Telephone { .60 1.66 | | | 
Stamps { 2.25 | | |
Cherries { 320. | | | 
| | 1.00 pulling out Cow. 