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[[paper glued to the page]]
[[image: a funnel-shaped, cross hatched wedge pointing down to the word "Objective"]]
[[image, right: head-on sketch of a steam locomotive on railroad track headed for the viewer]]
[[three columns]]
| Nominative | Objective. |Possessive. |
| 1.) Subject| Direct Obj. | [[blank]] |
| 2.) Subjective Complement | Ind . Obj. | [[blank]] |
| 3.) Nominative Absolute |Objective Complex. He called me, [[underlined]] a liar. [[/underlined] ]|
| 4.) Direct Address | Obj. of prep. | Bring 2 ex. of each obj. generative.  The books covers are torn. |
| 5.) Apposition. | Obj. of infinitive | [[blank]]
|[[blank]] | Subj. of infinitive | [[blank]]|
|[[blank]] | Adverbial noun | [[blank]]|
|[[blank]] | Apposition | [[blank]]
[[/three columns]]

[[image: very good, detailed pencil drawing of a 4-6-2 wheeled steam locomotive, coal car, and part of freight car, smoke coming out of locomotive stack,  engine number 1075, coal car marked "NEW YORK CENTRAL," running across the page right to left, on a raised structure over a culvert labeled 1917- discharging into a body of water.]]
[[small caps]] PRESUMABLY A 1917 DOODLE AT NORTH HIGH IN SYRACUSE [[/small caps]]