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[[three photos glued to page]]

[[top photo image: Man with white beard in a white hat looking off camera, and a boy (with bangs) looking at at the camera. Man dressed in dark clothing, and boy in a lighter cloth coat and knickers.]]

^[[With Uncle Judson
- about 1912.]]

[[middle photo image: Boy with dark hair parted on left, in belted jacket, shirt and tie, knickers, high top shoes, grinning and facing the camera, standing if front of house with vine growing up the wall and porch post.]]


[[bottom photo]]
[[image: Man sitting on two-horse team side-sickle mowing machine in a field.  Horses have white hoods over their necks, hook over their ears, wearing fly harness.  Man wears a white shirt and suspender overalls.]]

^[[Mike Beeler]]