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[[two photos glued to page]]
[[top photo]]
[[image:  five men around a table or work bench covered with papers in what looks to be a hydraulics lab (piping and valves in background).  L to R: man with center part, black shirt, squatting behind a stool, arms folded on the stool; dark haired man, white shirt, vest, hands crossed in front, squatting behind desk; man wearing a cap, shirt and vest, wearing round rim glasses, arms folded in front on the desk, pencil in right hand; man standing behind and leaning over desk, white shirt and tie; ]][[foreground]] man in sweater, wearing glasses, leaning in over desk with his right foot up on a chair seat, looking down on the desk.]]
^[[Amey Dahlstrom Howe Gallivan Casler]]

[[bottom photo]]
[[image: three men standing in front of the wall of a stone building with window in background: L to R: man in glasses wearing white shirt, bow tie, pork pie hat, right hand on hip, left arm resting on the man's shoulder next to him; man in gray shirt and bow tie, suit jacket,  hands in pockets; man in a cap, plaid shirt with pen in pocket protector, right arm resting on shoulder of man to his right, left arm down at his side.]]
^[[Howe  Amey  Craton
[[wavy line]]
[[small caps]] MORE OF THE BOYS [[/small caps]]
[[wavy line]] ]]