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[[four photos glued to page]]
[[image: seven men sitting next to a large boiler (on right) in what appears to be a basement room. L to R: man in suit and tie, hands folded in front of him; man, center right part, suit and tie, hands together in front of him; smiling man wearing shirt and sweater, hands behind him; man center right part, suit and tie, hands clasped in front of him; man in foreground wearing a cap white shirt and tie and work or lab coat, hands resting in lap; man in white shirt, dark vest, appears to have right hand around waist of man in front of him; man sitting very close to boiler fire box, wearing a cap and workshirt, holding a long-handled coal shovel.]]
^[[Gallivan Casler Howe Amey Chauncy Dahlstrom Hooker]]

[[center left photo]]
[[image: side view of a man looking at the camera, sitting on a chair in front of a large, insulated vessel with insulated piping and other plumbing.  Wearing a dark suit and tie, right leg crossed over left, arms folded in front]]
^[[Fred Amey]]

[[center right photo]]
[[image: faded (overexposed) side view of two men casually leaning back on a safety railing next to the large (taller then them) driving wheel in a powerhouse.  Man nearest camera wearing work clothes and a pork pie hat, hand in jacket pocket.  Man next to him in white shirt, tie and vest, left hand on hip]]
^[[Me and John Gallivan]]
[[line]] ]]

^[[Page caption on left, small caps: MECHANICAL LAB]]

[[bottom right photo]]
[[image: two men sitting on a dolly in a lab setting; man on left, with tobacco pipe in his mouth, wearing a dark shirt, light colored letter sweater with a large "S" on the front, knickers, hands on knees, looking at clipboard (?) being held by man on the right; man on the right, center part, shirt, tie and sweater showing the man to his right something he is holding in his left hand.]]
^[[Homer Smith & Wilson
[[line]] ]]