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After writing the foregoing 114 pages, I did what I should have done before starting to write them -- read my 1924 diary as well as letters to Mother from the time I left home in 1924 through 1930, all of which, with the apparent exception of 1929, she kept and I found among her things after her death. Unfortunately, I failed to keep her letters to me because they obviously were full of information on developments in Syracuse, but in my letters to her, I can infer many of the things she wrote to me -- and since we wrote to each other daily from July 1924 until January 1927 except, of course, when she and I were together in Schenectady or Erie or Syracuse, there were literally hundreds of letters. Anyhow, from the perusal of all this material, I discovered three principal things about my 1902 - 1924 account;

1) There were a few errors in it where my memory had played tricks on me.

2) There were a great many additional events, people, ideas, and interesting supplementary data revealed that I had simply missed. And many of these things catalyzed my memory processes into recalling many other items. When I got through putting down all of this stuff, I had about 125 additional subjects to record.

3) My account could be made more meaningful if I added to it, subsequent developments, particularly in the lives of some of the people which were revealed in the material in the dairy and letters.

Consequently, I am adding this section as an addendum to inject into my account, the items falling into the three categories above.

April 22, 1972.