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When I say that I wasn't an outdoor boy, I mean that I wasn't a camper and woodsman primarily. However, I did love the outdoors and outdoor sports and walking in the fields and woods but never as a hunter. I loved wild flowers and remember so well the spring and summer flowers in the fields near home -- dandelions, daisys, Queen Ann's Lace, buttercups, thistle, violets, mustard, clover.

One of my big thrills during college was wearing a Phi Delta Theta band on my straw hat, azure and argent, dignified and genteel and one of the best, as was the pin, sword and shield.


Understand that Dave Traub, who went to West Point and made the army a career, wound up a general of some sort, which probably means that he has a much larger pension than I have.

Although I've noted that Jimmie Halsted is presently married to Anna Roosevelt, I have a faint recollection that he was first married to the daughter of Dr. Harvey Cushing, a very famous MD in Boston I think although I may be thinking there of Cardinal Cushing.

I inquired of John Southworth if Nelda Pfohl had been married to Bill Dyer and he wrote me that he did not think so, that Bill's first wife was Dottie Romaine, whom I never knew or had scarcely heard of, and Bill's present and second wife is Marian Blumer. John's wife knew Nelda and thinks she married a man named Gale who was in the auto business in Syracuse, they lived in Baldwinsville, but her husband has since died. I suggested I might get Bill Dyer to send me a "film" for my memorabilia but John thought that unlikely as they were probably long gone. I asked John if he would send me Nelda's address, I'd write her and ask for the photograph I'd like to add to this record. But I've not heard from John in reply although I wrote him last May 3rd.

However, I wrote to Bill Dyer, who's VP and GM of Indianapolis Newspapers, Inc. who publish the Indianapolis Star and the News, and virtually by return mail, I got a long, cordial letter and in a separate package, <> eight <> films where I'd asked for one. The details of all this are in my diary including Bill's letter and a subsequent one. I thought we might get them to stop in Erie en route to Cape Cod this summer but they didn't; Bill had said they occasionally stop at Holiday Inn South here en route and would like to have us meet them for dinner to which I replied telling him we'd like to take them to dinner -- maybe I should have asked them to stay with us but it seemed like pushing it a bit and already Willie had enough on her docket besides. But I'll keep after Bill and maybe we can connect up sometime.